Our self-learning courses enable our learners to take the time they need and set their own schedule to complete the online courses.

NPCC Trainers

The Tourism Authority is partnering with NPCC and the International Labour Organization (ILO) to implement the OPERATION COSHARE (COVID-19 Occupational Safety & Health and Resource Efficiency) Project in the Tourism and Hospitality sector in Mauritius.

The project involves the training and implementation of the ILO SCORE Training program for COVID-19 Occupational Safety and Health customised for our Tourism and Hospitality sector using national protocols enumerated by the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

Business Transformation

Business Transformation is a nine part learning program specifically put together for Mauritius based industries and businesses that wish to stay ahead in the market.

During the course of this learning we shall look at different areas to focus on for strategically transforming our businesses and keep it primed for the ever changing market and customer requirements.

Getting started on our transformational journey is easy, we just need to set our minds to the tasks ahead.

Business Continuity and Resilience Planning

An organization’s ability to respond swiftly to emergencies and restore critical operations as soon as possible is key to maintaining credibility in the eyes of customers and stakeholders. Business continuity plans bring together all procedures and information necessary for each organization and its stakeholders to achieve the stated objectives.

How to cope with COVID-19 by utilizing “Kaizen

This video material provides the useful information for all the enterprises in Africa to fight against COVID-19 by utilizing Japanese management methodology "Kaizen".

NPCC Post COVID Series

As the phases of the COVID-19 pandemic progress, NPCC offers a learning support service to SMEs and enterprises, through EPS, to set the business restart process on its rails and guide the thought processes to reset strategy and build resilience.

Business Restart

Most small businesses do not have an annual Business Continuity and resiliency planning process in place that larger organization might – and as a result might not have a standard and pre-planned approach for safe and secure business restart under such situations.This course deals specifically with the imperatives of such a world-wide situation and aim for a planned restart.